We wanted to create a list of some free online resources (along with some notes on each one) that might be able to help you get started with homeschooling. Since they’re free, it’s non-committal and you can really get a sense of what you like in a curriculum, so that you know what to look for later.Read More →

Routines are very important in my Daycare and I have many different types of routines in place throughout the day. I have my every day schedule that covers larger chunks of time (meals, art, outside time, circle time, etc.) and then I have mini routines that help the children do different activities during the day (hand washing routine, clean-up  routine, before nap routine, etc.). Here is our basic daily routine:Read More →

Screen time guidelines made some interesting changes when The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published new children and media policy statements on Friday. These statements updated their previous statement given in 2013 with new recommendations for modern media use with children 0-18 years old.Read More →