Resident Charlotte Mason homeschooler Jenny has recently made the switch to the popular The Good and The Beautiful curriculum for language arts and math. What prompted this change, and does she still consider herself a Charlotte Mason homeschooler? In this video, Jenny addresses all of these questions, and shares her long journey to finally using The Good and the Beautiful, despite all of her initial reservations.Read More →

Hello everyone! I hope you have all enjoyed the holidays and the new year celebrations. I wanted to make a quick update post to let you know my current plans with this website. First, it is my goal to keep the curriculum on this website free and available for all to use. So, that will not change. Currently there are 41 weekly themes that are part of the free weekly curriculum! It is pretty incredible to me that there are actually so many themes available. For now, I will not have time to finish creating the last remaining themes to make an even 52 themesRead More →